Up to DC with Emily
I flew up to DC this past Friday to see Emily!
The Day actually started at Candi's for Breakfast over off Irwin street (close to the Highland Bakery), where I had the Big easy, and Maddie had a stuffed Bisket. Bother of which were delicious! - we had coffee and talked forever, about life plans, and places wehre traveling: We came up with about 6 Trips:
1. Northern Europe
2. Alps+ Eastern Europe to Syria
3. The American Pacific Coast
4. India and the Himalayas
5. The Far East
6. Maddie wanted to do Africa, I want to sail across the world w/e we'll do both
Then I believe I went home to pack, and set out with my parents to the air port (there was an eagles concert, which kinda screwed up traffic). I arrived on time, and spent the plane ride reading "the savage detectives" which is basicly about a 19 yr old Mexican kid deciding he's a poet and having lots of sex- I have to write a report on it- fun.
Then I arrived, got on the train to DC from Balitimore, and met Emily! Horray! Oh, and I ate a Moe's Borito , which was good.

The next day, we met Anna in the Eastern Market, and rumiged through things, followed by coffee (there's a theme here) and then ate at a very nice restaurant with amazing breads

There was this amazing bookstore, the owner had personality, and put little recomendations in books like this:

Which made me want to buy every book there!

We walked around DC for a bit more, then planned to go see a Mountain climbing movie at the Natural History museum, but a water main had busted, so we couldn't go in (Emily will now apologize for this, and I will tell her she shouldn't apologize for things she cannot control)
SO instead we had cupcakes!

and then hung out in a bar for... too long; Then:
We met up with Emily's roomate Shanna, her girl friend Ramina, and Kelly + her BF, and went to a chinese place. Followed by Fado's which I thought was an atlanta restaurant, but turns out it's a chain :( But it was fun either way.

We were hungry
THe next day, we went into ALexandira, and rode bikes! To George Washington's house!

it was 19 miles, and we rented bikes from this cute little bike shop on the water, and it. was . adorable.
Oh and we packed lunch, which is smart.
PS. I am soo cool

Bike path:

Monday, Emily had class, so I called Joe, who was in Boston, and he came over, and we pretty much went bar hopping all day, then saw a poetry reading (another first) Then rode home at 11.
Tuesday: I got caught in a fire drill, and found hipster coffee shops, and made lots of lists, and wrote in my note book.
I is home now
The Day actually started at Candi's for Breakfast over off Irwin street (close to the Highland Bakery), where I had the Big easy, and Maddie had a stuffed Bisket. Bother of which were delicious! - we had coffee and talked forever, about life plans, and places wehre traveling: We came up with about 6 Trips:
1. Northern Europe
2. Alps+ Eastern Europe to Syria
3. The American Pacific Coast
4. India and the Himalayas
5. The Far East
6. Maddie wanted to do Africa, I want to sail across the world w/e we'll do both
Then I believe I went home to pack, and set out with my parents to the air port (there was an eagles concert, which kinda screwed up traffic). I arrived on time, and spent the plane ride reading "the savage detectives" which is basicly about a 19 yr old Mexican kid deciding he's a poet and having lots of sex- I have to write a report on it- fun.
Then I arrived, got on the train to DC from Balitimore, and met Emily! Horray! Oh, and I ate a Moe's Borito , which was good.

The next day, we met Anna in the Eastern Market, and rumiged through things, followed by coffee (there's a theme here) and then ate at a very nice restaurant with amazing breads

There was this amazing bookstore, the owner had personality, and put little recomendations in books like this:

Which made me want to buy every book there!

We walked around DC for a bit more, then planned to go see a Mountain climbing movie at the Natural History museum, but a water main had busted, so we couldn't go in (Emily will now apologize for this, and I will tell her she shouldn't apologize for things she cannot control)
SO instead we had cupcakes!

and then hung out in a bar for... too long; Then:
We met up with Emily's roomate Shanna, her girl friend Ramina, and Kelly + her BF, and went to a chinese place. Followed by Fado's which I thought was an atlanta restaurant, but turns out it's a chain :( But it was fun either way.

We were hungry
THe next day, we went into ALexandira, and rode bikes! To George Washington's house!

it was 19 miles, and we rented bikes from this cute little bike shop on the water, and it. was . adorable.
Oh and we packed lunch, which is smart.
PS. I am soo cool

Bike path:

Monday, Emily had class, so I called Joe, who was in Boston, and he came over, and we pretty much went bar hopping all day, then saw a poetry reading (another first) Then rode home at 11.
Tuesday: I got caught in a fire drill, and found hipster coffee shops, and made lots of lists, and wrote in my note book.
I is home now