


The house I live in is kinda big, so we get all the people who can’t find housing, so here are the stages of housing that have happened over the past … 4 months

1.0 one: Sean [USA}, Charlotte [Norway] Florent! [Netherlands](3)

We all have our owns rooms, Mulache [Kenya] is over just about every night, but hell- that’s what beds are for.

1.1 Thomas [Netherlands] (moved in really early one morning to the master bedroom (4)

1.2 Cami [USA} also stayes in the master bedroom (both Cami and Thomas are only supossed to stay four “at max a week” a month later they’re still here, and alls well (5)

1.3 Dunia [USA] moves in after a crazy incident, Pascal would have liked to, but we ran into some problems :p (6)

1.4 Dunia leaves, Roel [Netherlands] (moves in! (6)

2.0 We have two new Interns move come to Kenya: Lara [Germnay] and Habiba [Egypt] , so we have to reorganize the house, Thomas and Roel move to Kirt’s [Kenya] , Charlotte leave to go back to Norway! (5)

2.1 Manuela and her boyfriend Benjamin [Germany] stay here off and on for a few nights while traveling until Manuela’s internship starts (7)

2.2 Richard [China] moves in and sleeps on the couch, which is kinda an issue, but some people are leaving in a week, so we’ll be more beds (8)

By the way, we only have 5 beds ☺ so you can figure that one out

The kitchen is a mess, out maid “Holiness” tries to overcharge us for all the laundry, the power is off and on, and the water pressure is sporadic. BUT we have hot showers (pretty much every morning), so it make up for everything else.

Most nights are crazy, with all the cooking, and people doing they’re own thing- watching movies, reading, playing guitar, beer games, umm… yeah

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