


I just uploaded 9 pictures to my flickr account which is linked over ... <- there on the right[Edit- left] ( the picture box, click it!) so you can see where I've been for the past month. they're all small and I figured I'd make a comic to allow for lots of pictures in one upload (1 mb took almost 5 minuets)

I also just looked at the @GT blog, and realized that I wasn't seeing the posted pictures !!! .... (I'm in an internet cafe' and I'm almost crying) It's really hard to type in here, but I can\t express how much I love you guys, and yes, I am getting better... (so many new faces in there too, I can't wait to meet you all. I'll write more when I I get home and have a longer post, (more though out, but I thought I'd thank you while I was still feeling all emotiony

*sniff* love you guys

We love you too Sean!

Just had to get that out there lol.
.... so why don't you write in our blog?
shanky - i loveses you too. we missed you at conference. let's talk soon (and get a webchat going so you can talk to the newbies.)
Hey Sean! Glad to see that you are well in Pursuit and decided to take the mzungu plunge.

Sorry to hear about your misadventures, but feel free to forward my info to your mom if she needs contacts in the future. I just saw that she had asked for people with contacts in Kenya when you got Jose Canseco'ed. Pole sana!

And I definitely have tons of recommendations. If you want to drop me an electronic mail I will be more than happy to drop some insight.

9 months...that's rad. Can't say I'm not jealous. Godspeed.
it might seem weird, but i get the idea from what little i read about neurology that being in a strange environment with lots of new things to learn is actually good for head injuries. tub fi sgniht trats ot kool sdrawkcab uoy dluohs llet ruoy doctor.
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